Figure 7.
Y-27632 can act both directly and indirectly on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) to promote their differentiation into keratinocyte-like cells. mRNA expression of cytokeratin-5, cytokeratin-14, stratifin, involucrin, and filaggrin in BMSCs under different conditions is shown. BMSCs treated with MesenCult-XF medium were normalised to 1. Data are presented as the mean ± standard error of the mean. n = 3. **P <0.01 MXF versus keratinocyte-conditioned media, # P <0.05. KCM1, keratinocyte-conditioned medium collected from keratinocytes with no Y-27632 treatment; KCM2, keratinocyte-conditioned medium collected from keratinocytes treated with Y-27632; KCM1 + Y, KCM1 plus Y-27632; MXF, MesenCult-XF medium; MXF + Y, MesenCult-XF medium plus Y-27632.