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. 2015 Mar 23;41(3):574–583. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbv024

Table 1.

List of Articles Identified in the Review: Details of Methods and Findings

Reference Clinical Sample Time of Outcome Assessment Outcome Definition Neuroimaging Details Main Results
1 Fung et al20 1. 39 patients
2. DSM-IV Schizophrenia
3. Drug-naïve
1 y Remission: score ≥ 60 at GAF21 scale 1. 1.5-T General Electric scanner
2. Fast spoiled gradient echo 3D sequence; Dual echo/fast spin echo (PD/ T2) sequence
3. VBM
1. 29 remitters
2. In females, larger striatothalamic volume correlated with early remission
2 Lieberman et al23 1. 70 patients
2. Research Diagnostic Criteria Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective disorder
3. Less than 12wk of antipsychotic treatment at entry
1 y Remission: no rating greater than 3 on any of SADS-CPD scale24 positive psychotic symptom items (suspiciousness, severity of delusions, severity of hallucinations, impaired understandability, bizarre behavior); CGI25 severity items rating of 3 or less and improvement rating of 2 or 1, for at least 8 wk 1. 1-T Siemens
2. 3D gradient echo pulse sequence (fast low angle shot)
3. Qualitative ratings and automated quantitative measurements
1. 58 remitters
2. Lateral and third ventricles abnormalities predicted longer time to remission
3. Cortical or medial temporal lobe volumes did not predict time to remission
3 Wobrock et al26 1. 45 patients (32 included in MRI analyses)
2. DSM-IV schizophrenia
1 y Outcome defined as stable (an increase of PANSS15 scores below 10% of the baseline score) or poor (increase of PANSS score above 40% of baseline score) 1. 1.5-T Siemens and Phillips
2. T1-weighted 3D data (MPRAGE)
3. Region of interest and SPM99
1. 12 good outcome
2. Lateral ventricular or hippocampal volumes did not differ between outcome group
3. Poor outcome patients had smaller left anterior limb of the internal capsule
4 Bodnar et al27 1. 59 patients
2. Schizophrenia
3. Less than 1 mo of antipsychotic treatment at entry
1 y Remission defined according to Schizophrenia Working Group criteria38 (reduction in 8 core PANSS15 symptoms to 3 (mild) or less, which has to be sustained for at least 6 mo over the first year of illness). 1. 1.5-T Siemens
2. 3D gradient echo pulse sequence
3. VBM and manual segmentation
1. 17 remitters
2. Remitters had larger volume of the parahippocampal cortex, but not of the entorhinal or perirhinal cortices.
5 Prasad et al29 1. 27 patients (25 completed follow up)
2. DSM-IV schizophrenia or Schizoaffective disorder
3. Drug-naïve
1 y Score at Strauss- Carpenter Scale30 used as continuous measure of functional outcome (0–4 scale, with lower scores representing worse outcome) 1 1.5-T General Electric
2. T1-weighted 3D spoiled-gradient
recalled acquisition
3. Manual tracings and histogram-based segmentation
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex volume, but not intracranial volume, predicted functional outcome at 1 y
6 Kasparek et al31 1. 32 male patients
2. ICD-10 schizophrenia
1 y Good functioning defined as score >60 at GAF21 scale 1. 1.5-T Siemens
2. T1-weighted images 3D acquisition
3. VBM
1. 21 good functioning
2. Left prefrontal regional volume (extending to inferior, middle and superior frontal gyri) was smaller in those with poor functioning
7 Bodnar et al32 1. 68 patients
2. Schizophrenia
6 mo Symptom remission defined according to Schizophrenia Working Group criteria38 (reduction in 8 core PANSS15 symptoms to 3 (mild) or less). 1. 1.5-T Siemens
2. 3D gradient echo pulse sequence
3. VBM
1. 28 remitters
2. Parahippocampal volume was larger in remitters
3. Classification model correctly classified remission status 79% of the time
8 Molina et al10 1. 19 patients
2. DSM-IV schizophrenia
6 mo Response defined as percentage of change in PANSS15 scores over 6 mo across positive, negative, and disorganization dimension 1. 1.5-T Philips Gyroscan
2. T1-weighted 3D gradient echo sequence
3. VBM
No association between response and brain measures (cerebro spinal fluid and grey matter volume of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, temporal lobe, hippocampus)
9 Palaniyappan et al33 1. 80 patients
2. DSM-IV functional psychoses
12 wk Treatment response defined according to Schizophrenia Working Group criteria for symptom remission38 (reduction in 8 core PANSS15 symptoms to 3 (mild) or less) 1. 3T General Electric
3. Automated surface extraction
1. 40 responders
2. Reduced cortical folding (hypogyria) of frontotemporal regions and insula in nonresponders
10 Szeszko et al37 1. 39 patients
2. DSM-IV Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective disorder, Schizophreniform disorder
Up to 16 wk Treatment response defined as having, at least in 2 consecutive visits, a rating ≤ 3 in the psychosis and disorganization items of the SADS-CPD scale24 (delusions, hallucinations, understandability, derailment, illogical thinking, bizarre behavior) and a rating of “much” or “very much” improved on the CGI25 1. 1.5-T GE
2. T1-weighted, 3D fast SPGR sequence
3. Automated classification and manual delineation of sulcal and gyral landmarks
4. Surface rendering
1. 25 responders
2. Greater frontal cortical asymmetry and greater occipital cortical thickness in responders.
3. Greater temporal cortical thickness was associated with shorter time in the response to antipsychotics
11 Zipursky et al12 26 patients
1. DSM-IIIR Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform, Delusional disorder and Psychotic disorder not otherwise specified
2. 21 antipsychotic naïve
1 wk Response was defined as a reduction of at least 15% in PANSS SADS-CPD scale15 baseline scores 1. 1.5T General Electric
2. Dual Echo spin sequence
3. Manual segmentation
1. 12 patients improved
2. Greater cortical grey matter volume was associated with improvement in positive and negative symptoms 3. Sulcal and total cerebrospinal fluid volume, and total grey matter volume were associated with symptom improvement at trend level association

Notes: CGI, Clinical Global Impression; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual; GAF, General Assessment of Function; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; MPRAGE, Magnetization Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echo; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; SADS-CPD, Schedule for Affective Disorders - Change and Psychosis and Disorganization; SPGR, Spoiled Gradient Recalled Acquisition; T, Tesla; VBM, Voxel-based morphometry; 3D, Three dimensional.