Figure 24. Neosauropod basal tubera.
Basal tubera of Camarasaurus grandis YPM 1905 (A; modified from Madsen, McIntosh & Berman, 1995), Suuwassea emilieae ANS 21122 (B), and Kaatedocus siberi SMA 0004 (C; photo by J Marinheiro) in posterior view. Note the globose (B; C82-0) compared to the box-like shape (C; C82-1) of the tubera, the transverse ridge on their posterior face (C; C86-1), and the ventrolateral (A; C89-0) in contrast to ventral orientation (C; C89-1). Abb.: bo, basioccipital; bpr, basipterygoid process; bs, basisphenoid; bt, basal tuber; ex, exoccipital; fm, foramen magnum; oc, occipital condyle; popr, paroccipital process. Pictures scaled to same distance between dorsal face of occipital condyle and basal tubera.