FIG. 3.
TFG and PPI interactions ranked by correlation values. (A) Poisson statistic used for the selection of TFG interactions. The panel shows the TI hits used for the Poisson distribution selection in the case of the CV-optimized Eppert dataset. Bins are ranked by correlation values, decreasing from left to right. The red line indicates the cutoff. Only interactions with correlation values above (to the left of) the cutoff were selected. These correspond to bins with a higher number of TIs, which are the validated TRANSFAC interactions. See Supplementary Figure 5S (Eppert) for the complete version of this figure, spanning all correlation values. (B) PPI interactions and HIPPIE hits. The panel shows the number of HIPPIE interaction hits within 15,000,000 random interactions from the Eppert dataset. (C) PPI interactions and HIPPIE hits. The panel shows HIPPIE interaction hits within the first bin (50,000 interactions) in (A), with finer resolution. Bins are ranked by correlation values decreasing from left to right. The analysis is from a randomly selected subset corresponding to about 10% of all possible correlations of the Eppert dataset. As for the TFG subnetwork shown in (A), also for the PPI subnetwork bins corresponding to interactions with a higher correlation coefficient contain a higher number of validated interactions obtained from the HIPPIE database.