Figure 6. Mutations in conserved residues of the PPP1R15 core functional domain enfeeble its activation by actin.
(A) Traces of the velocity of eIF2aP dephosphorylation by wildtype and the indicated mutant PPP1R15B-PP1G complexes in the presence of the indicated concentrations of actin. (B) As in ‘A’ but with wildtype and mutant PPP1R15A-PP1G complexes. Note that the concentration of binary complex varied from 15–45 nM in the assays shown. It was purposely titrated to attain a velocity of dephosphorylation (in the absence of actin) comparable to ∼1/5 of that achieved by the wildtype enzyme in the presence of saturating concentration of actin. This ensures comparable activity of the wildtype and mutant enzymes in the absence of actin.