Fig. 3.
Structures and interactions of death, pyrin, and CARD domains. Death domains and related domains share a common arrangement of six alpha helices with conserved types of packing interaction. (A) Comparison of death domain, PYD, and CARD structures colored from blue (N terminus) to red (C terminus) presented in equivalent orientations. Also shown is the TRIF N-terminal domain that is modified and has additional helices (gray). (B) Types of domain interaction. Contacts between domains in assemblies are classified type I (blue), II (orange), and III (green). Helical lattices have repeats in three directions shown schematically by the colored contacts between the gray hexagons (central subunit a, type I contact to b, type II to c, type III to d). The larger schematic shows details from death domains in the MyDDosome (PDB ID 3MOP). Helices contacting subunit a are colored [scheme as in (A)] or gray otherwise. Examples of helical assemblies: full death domain assembly of MyDDosome (C); ASC pyrin domain filament (D); MAVS CARD domain filament (PDB IDs 3MOP, 3J63, 3J6J, respectively) (E). MyDDosome layers are MyD88, IRAK4, and IRAK2.