FIG. 8.
Migration ability of c-Jun-transduced SCs and the influence of c-Ju-transduced SCs on native SC migration. (A–F) The cells (purple) that migrated to the lower surface of a transwell chamber with 8 μm pores were detected through Hematoxylin and Eosin staining. (A–C, G) The migration ability of c-Jun-transduced SCs, LV/GFP-transduced SCs and NT SCs. (D–F, H) The influence of the LV/c-Jun, LV/GFP and NT group SCs on native SC migration in the coculture system. Insets represent the magnification of the representative area. Scale bar: (A–F)=150 μm. Graph bars: mean±SD; *p<0.05. Color images available online at