FIG. 6.
Survival and chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs embedded in the tissue-derived matrix gels (*p<0.05). (A) The cartilage, meniscus, and tendon gels were not cytotoxic for embedded MSCs; (B) directly after encapsulation of the MSCs (day 1), the stiffness of GelMA samples was highest; after 6 weeks of culture, GelMA and the tendon group were stiffer; (C, D) differences were observed in the DNA and GAG content of the experimental groups; (E) GAG/DNA content was higher in the cartilage and meniscus gels, although this difference was not statistically significant; (F) GAGs (red) and (G) collagen type II (brown) localization in all groups after 6 weeks. The DNA and GAG content were normalized per donor to GelMA week 4; sample stiffness was normalized to GelMA day 1. All scale bars are 200 μm; “cell free” sample is cartilage gel. Color images available online at