Immunofluorescence labelling of Cx36, Cx26, Cx32, Cx43, peripherin and CNPase in the trigeminal motor nucleus (Mo5) of adult and PD15 mouse. (A) Low magnification showing a high density of labelling for Cx36 among peripherin-positive motoneurons in adult mouse Mo5 (large arrows) and sparse labelling in surrounding regions. (B) Magnification showing punctate appearance of labelling for Cx36, association of Cx36-puncta with motoneuron somata and dendrites (arrows), and absence of intracellular labelling for Cx36. (C) Triple immunofluorescence showing overlay of labelling for Cx36 with peripherin and, in the same field, overlay of labelling for Cx26 and peripherin. Cx36-puncta are seen throughout the field, including those associated with medially located motoneurons (C1, arrows), while Cx26-puncta are seen restricted to the lateral edge of the Mo5, in a region largely devoid of peripherin-positive motoneuron somata, but containing bundles of peripherin-positive myelinated fibers in the motor root of the trigeminal nerve (C2, arrowheads). (D) Triple labelling in Mo5 at PD15, showing Cx36-puncta decorating motoneuron somata and dendrites (arrows), absence Cx26 labelling in or around these somata, and Cx26-puncta associated with leptomeninges along a blood vessel (arrowhead). (E,F) Low (E) and higher (F) magnification showing labelling of Cx36 and Cx32 among peripherin-positive Mo5 motoneurons. Cx36-puncta are seen on the surface (confirmed by confocal through focus analysis) of peripherin-positive motoneurons (arrows), while Cx32-puncta are largely in regions devoid of peripherin labelling (arrowheads). (G) Triple labelling, showing CNPase localized to oligodendrocyte somata (G1, arrows) and myelinated fibers, and localization of Cx32-puncta to CNPase-positive oligodendrocyte somata (G2, arrows), as shown in overlay (G3, arrows). (H,I) Low (H) and higher (I) magnification showing overlay of triple labelling for Cx36 and Cx43 among peripherin-positive Mo5 motoneurons. Dense Cx43-puncta are seen in the vicinity of motoneurons (arrowhead), and display a random distribution compared with lining of Cx36-puncta on the surface of motoneurons (H,I, arrows). Motoneurons lack intracellular labelling for Cx43 (confirmed by confocal through focus analysis).