Figure 4.
Two-year-old girl diagnosed with neurocutaneous melanosis (NCM). Precontrast axial T1-weighted (W) MRI (ST:5mm, TR/TE: 488/14.3ms) (a) shows T1 shortening in bilateral amygdalae (black arrows), pons, cerebellar cortex (white arrows), and bilateral sixth cranial nerves (short arrows). Precontrast sagittal T1W image (TR/TE: 501/14.3ms, ST:5 mm) (b) demonstrates T1 shortening in the cerebellum, pons (arrow), and anterior mesencephalon. Cisterna magna is enlarged. The both lateral ventricles and third ventricle are dilated. Axial T2W image (TR/TE:5200/122.4, ST:5 mm) (c) demonstrates that lesions in bilateral amygdalae (white arrows) and cerebellum (black arrows) are slightly hypointense. Precontrast axial T1W image (TR/TE: 488/14.3ms, ST:5mm) (d) shows mild hyperintensity of bilateral ventral aspect of thalami (arrows). Axial diffusion-weighted image (is volumetric, maximum b value: 700 s/mm2) (e) and gradient-echo T2* image at the same level with fig. 4a (f) show no signal alterations in the cerebellum and amygdalae. (1.5T, Philips, Achieva, Netherlands).