Classification analysis of IDAs g and d in axonemes from FAP61-KO and FAP251-KO. Longitudinal slices of averaged 96-nm repeats show the presence (g/d in pink) and absence (g/d in white) of IDAs g and d in WT (A, D, G, J, M), FAP61-KO (B, E, H, K, N), and FAP251-KO (C, F, I, L, O). The densities of IDAs g and d, in the average of all 96-nm repeats from FAP61-KO (B), are slightly weaker than those of WT (A), whereas FAP251-KO (C) shows a density similar to that of WT. Classification analysis of WT 96-nm repeats revealed that they lack IDA g (G) and IDA d (M) in a small subset (10%) of repeats. A similar fraction (13%) of 96-nm repeats in FAP251-KO lacks IDA g (I) and IDA d (O), whereas in FAP61-KO mutants, two to three times more repeats lacked IDA g (25%; H) and IDA d (38%; N) compared with WT. Bar, 20 nm.