(A) Schematic representation of arr gene (MSMEG_1221) locus (not to scale) and its replacement with kan
R marker (arr::kan). As described in the Materials and Methods, the knockout procedure resulted in deletion of 330 bp of the 429 bp of the ORF (from nucleotide position 67 to 396). Primers used for generation and confirmation of the knockout, are represented by dashed arrows. (B) Agarose gel electrophoresis for PCR products for confirmation of amplicon sizes. Lanes: 1, MsmΔarr::kan; 2, MsmΔudgB::hygΔarr::kan; 3, MsmΔfpg::hygΔarr::kan; 4, DNA size markers (M, bands denoted with white filled rectangles (from top to bottom indicate sizes of ~3.0, 2.5, 2.0 and 1.5 kb); and 5, wild-type M. smegmatis (Msm).