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. 2015 Apr 13;10(4):e0125504. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125504

Table 2. Correlation Table of Cerebral Capillary Permeability with markers of Vitamin D-Calcium-Parathyroid hormone homeostasis.

Animals Intervention Region of Interest Vitamin D Total Calcium Ionised Calcium Parathyroid Hormone Phosphate
Rats Vitamin D 6 weeks CTX 0.887** 0.063 0.613** -0.62** 0.163
HPF 0.803** 0.253 0.679** -0.68* 0.005
Vitamin D 12 weeks CTX 0.851** 0.619** 0.775** -0.61** -0.172
HPF 0.666** 0.529** 0.567** -0.543** -0.213
Vitamin D 24 weeks CTX 0.728** -0.337 0.448 -0.662** -0.106
HPF 0.534* -0.174 0.363 -0.349 -0.173
Mice Vitamin D 6 weeks CTX 0.300 0.172 0.145 - -0.164
HPF -0.191 -0.127 -0.116 - 0.002
Vitamin D 12 weeks CTX 0.768** 0.609** 0.730** - -0.291
HPF 0.692** 0.513** 0.613** - -0.175
Vitamin D 24 weeks CTX 0.919** 0.565 0.884** - -0.106
HPF 0.679* 0.715* 0.765** - 0.006
Rats PTX 12 weeks CTX - -0.458 -0.605 -0.608* 0.475
HPF - -0.722* -0.502 -0.079 0.726*
PTX 24 weeks CTX - -0.366 -0.629* -0.228 0.482
HPF - -0.674* -0.099 -0.48 0.325
Rats PTH Infusion 6 weeks CTX - -0.182 -0.573 - 0.001
HPF - -0.051 0.401 - -0.02
PTH Infusion 12 weeks CTX - -0.212 -0.127 - -0.228
HPF - 0.208 0.014 - 0.026

Correlation coefficients of cerebral capillary permeability (IgG) in both cerebral cortex (CTX) and hippocampal formation (HPF) with vitamin D, blood ionised calcium, serum total calcium, parathyroid hormone and serum phosphate for all vitamin D supplemented experimental groups (rats and mice), parathyroid gland ablated (PTX) and parathyroid hormone-infused (PTH-infusion) groups are represented in this table. (**p<0.01; *p<0.05; n = 4–10; Pearson’s analysis).