Phylogenetic analysis of α-like globins. (a) Structure model of the α-globin gene cluster in Homo sapiens and Gallus gallus. Adult genes are shown in red, embryonic genes in blue, and pseudogenes in pink. (b) Amino acid sequences and alignment result of α-like globins from Homo sapiens (human), Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee), Gallus gallus (chicken), and Cairina moschata (Muscovy duck). (c) Cladogram of α-like globin sequences. HUMAN, H. sapiens; PANTR, P. troglodytes; CHICK, G. gallus; CAIMO, C. moschata; HBA, hemoglobin subunit α (mammals) or α-A (Aves); HBAZ, hemoglobin subunit ζ; HBAD, hemoglobin subunit α-D; HBPI, hemoglobin subunit π.