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. 2014 May 27;18(5):869–876. doi: 10.1017/S1368980014001074

Table 1.

Questionnaire to assess maternal perception of their infant’s nutritional status, rural Kenya

Maternal perception question Possible responses
Verbal description 1. How would you describe the growth and health of your infant? Very good Good ‘Healthy’
Not good Poor Very poor ‘Unhealthy’
Pictorial scale 2. Organise the sketches in an order of your choice Perfect order Correct first and last Wrong order
3. From the sketches, select one that you think: B – MUACZ≤−3 } Undernourished
a. Closely resembles the size of your child right now P – MUACZ>−3 to ≤−2 At risk
b. Closely resembles the ideal size for your child T – MUACZ>−2 to ≤−1
c. Closely resembles a child in an alarming health status N – MUACZ>−1 to ≤0
K – MUACZ>0 } Well nourished

MUACZ, mid-upper arm circumference-for-age Z-score.