Figure 2.
Altered plasma lipoprotein and liver lipid levels in Pon3KO mice fed the CC diet for 10 wk. Pon3KO and WT mice were maintained on the CC diet for 10 wk before tissue/plasma collection. A) Plasma lipoprotein profiles of Pon3KO and WT mice as fractionated by FPLC. B) Liver lipid concentration as determined by mass spectrometry. C) Liver gene expression as determined by qPCR. D) Immunoblotting of mouse lipin-2 protein in liver protein lysate. E) Liver PAP activity was determined as described in Materials and Methods. #P = 0.09, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 between the 2 genotype groups.