PON3 is localized in MAM and influences mitochondrial function. A) Distribution of PON3 protein in various organelles isolated from the WT and Pon3KO livers. CM, crude mitochondria; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; MAM, mitochondria-associated membrane; PM, pure mitochondria; T, total lysate. Distribution patterns of calnexin, VDAC, and cytochrome c are also shown. B, C) Complex II–IV-dependent respiration of mitochondria isolated from the liver of WT and Pon3KO mice fed a chow diet. D–F) Mice were maintained on the CC diet for 10 wk before liver samples were collected for determination of (D) mitochondrial superoxide levels, (E) mitochondrial complex II + III activity, and (F) extent of apoptosis as measured by TUNEL assay. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001 between the 2 genotype groups.