Figure 3.
Cross-sectional studies.
Notes: (A) Cross-sectional studies of vitamin D and hypertension risk: the effect of higher vitamin D (measured as quartiles of 25OHD) on hypertension risk expressed as odds ratio (OR) for individual studies (blue) and the calculated overall OR (red). (B) Funnel plot showing standard error by log OR for the cross-sectional studies. (C) Cross-sectional studies of vitamin D and hypertension risk sub-groups: the effect of higher vitamin D (measured as quartiles of 25OHD) on hypertension risk stratified by quality score expressed as OR for individual studies (blue), sub-group total(white) and the calculated overall OR (red). (D) Cross-sectional studies of vitamin D and hypertension risk sub-groups: the effect of higher vitamin D (measured as quartiles of 25OHD) on hypertension risk stratified by age and gender expressed as OR for individual studies (blue), sub-groups total (white) and the calculated overall OR (red). *Studies published in one paper.
Abbreviation: CI, confidence Interval.