Figure 5.
Chondrogenesis-related gene expression and quantifications of glycosaminoglycan and collagen. Real-time RT-PCR of samples at the fourth week (A, B, C) and 12th week (D, E, F) revealed the expression of Col-I, Col-II and Col-X in the cells of different groups which were all normalized to rabbit auricular cartilage. *Statistically significant difference from rabbit auricular cartilage (P <0.05). #Statistically significant difference from the B-CB-P group (P <0.05). (G, H) Quantitative analysis of collagen and sGAG content of constructs at the fourth week postoperatively. (I, J) Quantitative analysis of collagen and sGAG content of constructs at the 12th week postoperatively. *P <0.05, B-CB-P group versus B-C-P group, or native cartilage. B-C-P, BMSCs–chondrocytes–PRP; B-CB-P, BMSCs–cell bricks–PRP; B-P, BMSCs–PRP; BMSC, bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell; Col, collagen; PRP, platelet-rich plasma; sGAG, sulfated glycosaminoglycan.