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. 2015 Jan-Mar;27(1):26–35. doi: 10.5935/0103-507X.20150006

Table 2.

Characteristics and main outcomes of the study patients during admission to the intensive care unit

Characteristic PMV Non-PMV p value OR (95% CI)
(N = 218) (N = 1,979)
Severity at ICU: day 1        
  APACHE II*,** 21.4 ± 7.2 19.4 ± 8.3 0.001  
  GCS 12.0 ± 4.0 11.5 ± 4.5 0.12  
  SOFA 5.3 ± 3.7 5.1 ± 3.5 0.42  
  TISS 26.5 ± 7.4 26.1 ± 7.8 0.47  
  Presence of infection 134 (61.4) 1004 (50.7) < 0.001 1.94 (1.40 - 2.69)
  Diagnosis of severe sepsis 48 (22.0) 354 (17.9) 0.01 1.54 (1.07 - 2.21)
During ICU stay        
  Organ support during ICU stay        
    Vasoactive drug use 183 (83.9) 1332 (67.3) < 0.001 2.54 (1.74 - 3.69)
    RRT 54 (24.8) 235 (11.9) < 0.001 2.44 (1.74 - 3.42)
    Parenteral nutrition support 27 (12.4) 131 (6.7) 0.002 1.98 (1.27 - 3.07)
    Tracheotomy need 151 (69.2) 168 (8.5) < 0.001 24.3 (17.4 - 33.7)
  Need for unscheduled surgery 62 (28.4) 291 (14.7) < 0.001 2.3 (1.67 - 3.17)
  DNR decision 15 (6.9) 138 (7.0) 0.93 0.98 (0.56 - 1.71)
At ICU discharge        
  Severity at ICU discharge        
    GCS 13.5 ± 2.52 14.2 ± 1.79 0.01  
    SOFA 3.01 ± 4.03 2.64 ± 4.18 0.21  
    TISS 10.8 ± 11.07 10.6 ± 10.12 0.78  
ICU death 113 (51.8) 744 (37.6) < 0.001 1.78 (1.35 - 2.36)
Hospital death 142 (65) 911 (44.9) < 0.001 2.23 (1.67 - 2.99)

PMV - prolonged mechanical ventilation; OR - odds ratio; 95% CI - 95% confidence interval; APACHE - Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; GCS - Glasgow Coma Score; SOFA - Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment; TISS - Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System; ICU - intensive care unit; RRT - renal replacement therapy; DNR - do not resuscitate. Results are expressed as number (percentage) or mean ± standard deviation. Data obtained by univariate analysis;


only in patients without sedation;


score applied and calculated in neurological and no neurological patients.