Figure 11. TPS10 and LOX2/3 interact to alter the predation of M. sexta by Geocoris spp from edge vs center plants.
(A) Photograph of a M. sexta egg and first-instar larva, and G. pallens adult on an N. attenuata leaf reprinted with permission from Danny Kessler, Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. As shown here, one first-instar M. sexta larva and one egg were placed on a lower stem leaf in a standardized position on healthy, size-matched plants (one leaf/plant), and their predation was monitored for 24 hr. Data are total numbers from five consecutive trials conducted between June 21st and June 27th at the end of experimental season two, when Geocoris spp. and herbivores were more abundant (see Figure 5). (B and C) Predation rates of M. sexta are higher on lox2/3xTPS10 than lox2/3 plants at the edges of monocultures (B), but lower on TPS10 than WT plants at the centers of monocultures (C). Bars indicate the total percentage of M. sexta eggs and larvae predated per population; numbers of predated/total eggs and larvae are given inside bars. The same trends were observed in both egg and larva predation; separate numbers of larvae and eggs predated are given in Figure 11—source data 1. Plants of the WT background and plants with the lox2/3 silencing construct were separately matched for parallel experiments and thus analyzed separately. (B) Predation of herbivores from edge plants was similar (not significant, ns) regardless of the number of TPS10 plants in WT + TPS10 populations, but increased with increasing numbers of lox2/3xTPS10 plants in lox2/3 + lox2/3xTPS10 populations. For plants at the center of populations, the pattern was reversed: (C) predation rates decreased with increasing numbers of TPS10 plants in WT + TPS10 populations, and were similar (ns) regardless of the number of lox2/3xTPS10 plants in lox2/3 + lox2/3xTPS10 populations. a,b Different letters indicate significant differences (corrected p<0.05) in Fisher's exact tests; p-values were corrected for multiple testing using the Holm-Bonferroni method.