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. 2015 Apr 15;4:e04490. doi: 10.7554/eLife.04490

Appendix 1—Figure 1. Transgene insertions and reduced jasmonate accumulation in lines of lox2/3.

Appendix 1—Figure 1.

(A) Southern blot of genomic DNA from multiple lines of lox2/3 digested with the restriction enzymes XbaI or EcoRI. Line 707 is highlighted: this line was used for experiments. A single transgene insertion in TPS10 (line 10–3) is shown in Schuman et al. (2014). All lines of lox2/3 screened had strong reductions in their induced (B) JA and (C) JA-Ile accumulation (mean ± SEM, n = 6). Line 707-2 was used for further experiments. a,b Different letters indicate significant differences (corrected p<0.0001) in Tukey HSD tests following significant (p<0.0001) 1-way ANOVAs on natural log-transformed data (JA: F4,25 = 54.15; JA-Ile: F4,25 = 18.00); ns, not significant in 1-way ANOVAs (p>0.4).