α-Bgtx inhibits phasic inhibition in hippocampal neurons. A, Spontaneous IPSCs recorded from adult mouse dentate gyrus granule cells in acute slices (P115–125) in control aCSF and in the presence of 5 μM α-Bgtx (+α-Bgtx). Bicuculline (+Bic, 50 μM) was applied to confirm the GABAergic nature of the postsynaptic currents. Note: 1 nM MLA was present throughout this experiment. B, Averaged IPSCs of 1500 events showing a reduction of amplitudes from (A) in control aCSF (black) or in the presence of α-Bgtx (gray). C, Frequency of IPSCs in control aCSF (black) or in the presence of α-Bgtx (gray). NS – not significant. D, E IPSC amplitude histograms in control aCSF (D) and in the presence of α-Bgtx (E). The parameters for each of the four Gaussians used to obtain optimal fits to the data are shown below. Data in (D) and (E) contain approximately 13000 events.