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. 2015 Apr 15;10(4):e0123440. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123440

Table 2. Probabilities of anatomic structures along the optic pathway for being the origin of radiation induced visual sensations.

VOI Number of beams Beams inducing visual sensations
Average Sigma Min Max Average [%] Sigma Min Max
EB 110.6 39.5 24 208 10.1 5.1 1 26
ON (intra) 168.5 40 85 277 15.4 4.1 6 25
ON (retro)CH, OT 344.5 66.7 199 542 22.3 1.9 14 27
Brodman areas
A17 419.3 63.3 282 611 14.8 2.1 6 20
A18 390.5 55.1 222 577 12.6 3.6 1 22
A19 398.2 55.3 219 590 11.2 5.2 1 21
A20 400.5 86.1 158 606 17.5 1.8 11 23
A21 476.4 54.7 260 609 17.7 2.6 6 25
A37 420.1 66.4 207 609 16.1 2 7 22

Volume of interest (VOI), including the eyeballs (EB), optic nerve intraorbital (ON intra), optic nerve retroorbital (ON retro), chiasma (CH), optic tract (OT) and Brodman Areas A17, A18, A19, A20, A21 and A37, showing different probability for being the origin of the visual sensations based on the frequency of light perception, when they are hit by a beam. Interestingly the probability increases in retroorbital structures, especially optic chiasm, optic tract and in the brodman areas 20, 21, 37. The eye balls showed lowest probability of all VOIs.