Table 2. The clinical context containing the thirty items and the twenty attributes.
ID | Item | Text | Attributes |
I1 | BDI-II.24 | I feel like I am being punished | A 11 |
I2 | BDI-II.42 | I feel more restless or wound up than usual | A7 |
I3 | BDI-II.47 | I have lost most of the interest in other people or things | A2, 20 |
I4 | BDI-II.51 | I have much greater difficulty in making decisions than I used to | A13 |
I5 | BDI-II.58 | I have less energy than I used to have | A9 |
I6 | BDI-II.63 | I sleep a lot more than usual | A6, 8, 9 |
I7 | BDI-II.74 | I can’t concentrate as well as usual | A12 |
I8 | BDI-II.82 | I am less interested in sex than I used to be | A2, 3 |
I9 | ZUNG.1 | I feel down-hearted and blue | A1 |
I10 | ZUNG.3 | I have crying spells or feel like it | A1, 7 |
I11 | ZUNG.4 | I have trouble sleeping at night | A6 |
I12 | ZUNG.15 | I am more irritable than usual | A 19 |
I13 | ZUNG.19 | I feel that others would be better off if I were dead | A14, 10 11 |
I14 | RDI.4 | I do not really want to eat | A5 |
I15 | RDI.7 | I do not want to do anything | A2 9 |
I16 | RDI.8 | I seem to have lost interest in the future | A2, 17, 20 |
I17 | RDI.10 | I feel quite useless | A10 |
I18 | RDI.23 | I feel a burden to others | A10, 11 |
I19 | PVP.23 | The speed of my thinking seems to be reduced | A8, 12 |
I20 | PVP.28 | I think of the families and friends who have died | A14 |
I21 | PVP.31 | I have made a suicide attempt | A15 |
I22 | CRS.2 | I am losing weight | A4 |
I23 | CRS.12 | Dying is the best solution for me | A14, 15 |
I24 | CRS.19 | I wake up often in the middle of the night | A6, 7 |
I25 | CRS.21 | I am so slowed down that I need help with bathing and dressing | A8, 9, 20 |
I26 | CRS.47 | I get hardly anything done lately | A 8, 9, 18 |
I27 | CRS.48 | There is only misery in the future for me | A 17 |
I28 | SAD.30 | I have the impression of being aloof and not feeling affection for my family members | A 20 |
I29 | CES-D.3 | I felt that I could not shake off the blues, even with help from my family or friends | A1, 18 |
I30 | CES-D.15 | People were unfriendly | A16 |
a This representation, which is convenient for explanatory purposes, is equivalent to the Boolean matrix with thirty rows and twenty columns introduced in the paper.