Fig 2. Non fibrous wood in species of Cacteae, cross sections near the vascular cambium.
(A) Ariocarpus retusus: less lignified wood with vessels embedded in a matrix of WBTs separated by non lignified dilated rays; (B) Coryphantha clavata: wood with vessels embedded in a matrix of WBTs and narrow non lignified rays; (C) Echinocactus platyacanthus: wood with vessels embedded in a matrix of fibers and axial parenchyma with wider lignified rays; (D) Ferocactus hamatacanthus: wood with vessels embedded in a matrix of WBTs and fibers in similar proportions and a few narrow non lignified rays; (E) Ferocactus pilosus: wood with vessels embedded in a matrix of WBTs and lignified rays near the pith; (F) Ferocactus pilosus: wood with vessels embedded in a matrix of fibers and non lignified rays near the vascular cambium. Bar is 550 μm in A, B; 200 μm in C, E, F; 100 μm in D; r = ray.