Table 1. Characteristics of individuals studied from thirteen species of Cactaceae, the regions of wood that were studied are indicated.
Individuals | Species | Height (m) | Wood Type | Stem | Region of wood | Category by size |
2 | Ariocarpus retusus | 0.10 and 0.18 | Non fibrous (WBT) | Depressed globose (T) | LW | Small |
2 | Coryphantha clavata | 0.18 and 0.23 | Non fibrous (WBT) | Cylindrical (T) | LW | Small |
3 | Echynocactus platyacanthus | 0.26, 0.38 and 1.5 | Dimorphic (transition*) | Columnar (R) | LWc,LWp and UW | Medium |
1 | Ferocactus hamatacanthus | 0.7 | Dimorphic | Cylindrical (TR) | LWc and UW | Medium |
2 | Ferocactus pilosus | 0.36 and 0.63 | Dimorphic (transition*) | Columnar (R) | LWc,LWp and UW | Medium |
1 | Cylindropuntia imbricata | 3 | Fibrous | Tree | LWc | Tall |
1 | Lophocereus marginatus | 4.1 | Fibrous | Tree (R) | LWc | Tall |
2 | Myrtillocactus geometrizans | 2.7 and 4 | Fibrous | Tree | LWc and UW | Tall |
1 | Opuntia streptacantha | 5 | Fibrous | Tree | LWc | Tall |
2 | Pereskia lychnidiflora | 4 | Fibrous | Tree | LWc, UW | Tall |
1 | Pilosocereus alensis | 1.5 | Fibrous | Columnar (R) | LWc | Medium |
1 | Pilosocereus chrysacanthus | 5.9 | Fibrous | Tree (R) | LWc | Tall |
2 | Stenocereus dumortieri | 3.8 and 4.5 | Fibrous | Tree (R) | LWc and UW | Tall |
Abbreviations. Tuberculated (T), ribbed (R), tuberculated ribs (TR). Lower wood (LW): near to the vascular cambium (LWc), near to the pith (LWp). Upper wood (UW).
* In these dimorphic species occurs a change from WBTs wood in juvenile stages to fibrous wood in the mature ones.