Table 3.
Complementarity of Findings - Structural Characteristics and DBT Implementation
Method | Quantitative | Qualitative |
Question | Do stand-alone DBT programs implement more DBT elements than those nested within an organization? | If a DBT program is nested within an organization, does that impact implementation? |
Answer | Yes: Stand-alone programs had higher implementation scores than those nested in an organization with moderate significance. | No: None of the participants indicated that nesting within an organization impacted implementation. However, affiliation with a university was thought to positively influence implementation. |
Question | Do DBT programs in outpatient, inpatient/ residential, or day/ milieu settings differ in their DBT implementation? | Does a program's level of care influence its ability to implement DBT? |
Answer | Unclear: DBT implementation did not significantly differ among levels of care. However, only 8 individuals were not in outpatient settings, so sample sizes were small. | No: Participants did not indicate that level of care influenced DBT implementation. |
Question | Is the age of a DBT consult team correlated with DBT implementation? | Does a team's age impact DBT implementation? |
Answer | No: The years since a team was formed was not correlated with implementation. | No: Participants did not indicate that the age of a team impacted implementation. |
Question | Is team size correlated with DBT implementation? | Does team size impact DBT implementation? |
Answer | Yes: Team size was positively correlated with DBT implementation with moderate significance. | Unclear: Two participants with team-sizes of three individuals desired a larger team. Others indicated that successful implementation drew members to them, suggesting that team size results from implementation rather than causing it. |
Question | Is the size of an organization correlated with DBT implementation? | Does the size of an organization impact implementation? |
Answer | No: The number of individuals in a program's organization was not correlated with DBT implementation. | Unclear: Some participants indicated that larger organization had more moving parts and were harder to implement in. Others indicated that the size of an organization does not impact DBT implementation. |