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Proteins with which the CaR interacts. Table 1 lists the CaR interacting proteins that have been described so far alphabetically in the first column. The second column lists the function of the interacting protein. The third column lists the experimental basis for the interaction of a protein with the CaR, Y2H for yeast two hybrid, Co-IP for co-immunoprecipitation, GST for GST pull-down assays and functional if expression or mutagenesis studies indicate that the interaction is functionally significant. The fourth column (CaR domain) identifies the region of the CaR that interacts with the protein shown at left. The fifth column states whether co-localization studies of the CaR were performed with the interacting protein. Native means that studies were performed in native tissue, and Het means that studies were performed in heterologous expression systems. The sixth column provides essential references for the observations

Interacting Protein Function Interaction CaR Domain Co-localization Reference
AMSH Trafficking/de Ub enzyme Y2H, GST C-term (80)
β-Arrestin Trafficking/signalling Functional ? (77)
Caveolin-1 Structural/scaffolding Co-IP ? Native, Het (81; 84)
E3 Ub ligase Trafficking Y2H, IP, Functional C-term Het (79)
Filamin Scaffolding/structural/-trafficking Y2H, Co-IP, GST, functional C-term Native, Het (15; 40; 41)
GRK-2 Signalling Functional ? (77)
GRK-4 Signalling Functional ? (77)
Kir4.1 K channel Y2H, Co-IP, functional C-term Native, Het (54)
Kir4.2 K channel Y2H, Co-IP, functional C-term Het (54)
PI-4-kinase Signalling Co-IP ? (71)
PKC Signalling Functional C-term (77)
RAMP1 Structural/trafficking Co-IP, Functional ?ECD and TM Het (37)
RAMP3 Structural/trafficking Co-IP, Functional ?ECD and TM Het (37)
RGS proteins Signalling Functional ? (16; 71)
Rho Signalling Co-IP ? (71)