Fig. 5.
Activity profiles of left and right phF5c obtained in Experiment 1 (a) and Experiment 3 (b). Blue bars: observing person acting and controls; green bars: observing hand grasping and controls. Vertical bars: SE across subjects. In a: only right phF5c is shown: 75 voxels defined by the whole brain interaction, in b left and right phF5c: 29 and 109 voxels defined by whole brain interaction. In a observing acting person was significantly different (correcting for 3 comparisons) from 3 controls (paired t tests all t > 3.8, p < 0.002) but observing grasping hand was not (all t < 2.05, p > 0.06); in b: for statistics see Table 1. Activity profiles were obtained with SPM 8. Similar results were obtained for the right PCSi interaction region (a) when analyzed with SPM 2: see Fig. S1.