Table 1.
Features of the experiments.
Humans |
Monkeys |
Experiment | 1 | S1 | 3 | 4 | S2 | S3 | 2 |
Site & Scanner | Leuven Philips | Leuven Philips | Parma GE | Parma GE | Parma GE | Parma GE | Leuven Siemens |
Subjects | 13 | 5 | 18 | 12 | 7 | 9 | 3 |
Stimuli | Old | Old/New | New | New | New | New | New |
Frame rate | 20 | 20 | 14 | 14, 20, 28 | 14 | 14 | 30 |
Controls | 2 Static & Scramble | Sta-mid | Sta-mid | Sta-mid | Sta-mid | Sta-mid | Sta-mid |
Fixation pt (Fig. 1) | To right of object: purple | To right of object: purple | To left and right of object: green | To left and right of object: green | To right and up: yellow | To left or right (green)/no | To the right of object: red |
Analysis | Wh Brain Rnd Eff p < 0.001 uncorr | Wh Brain Fix Eff p < 0.001 uncorr | Wh Brain Rnd Eff p < 0.001 uncorr | Wh Brain Rnd Eff SV Corr p < 0.05 | ROI from Exp 3 p < 0.05 corr mu co | Wh Brain Rnd Eff SV Corr p < 0.05 | ROIs from anat p < 0.05 corr mu co |
Activity profiles | % Fix all signif voxels | % Fix 27 voxels | % Avg all signif voxels | % Avg 8 most sig voxels | % Avg all voxels | % Avg 8 most sig voxels | Both all voxels |
Abbreviations: sta: static; mid: middle frame of video; Scramble: scrambled; pt: point; Wh Brain: whole brain; Rnd Eff: random effects, Fix Eff: fixed effects, SV Corr: small volume correction; corr mu co: correction for multiple comparisons; Fix: fixation; Avg: average, sig or signif: significant.
The rows list species, experiment number, the scanner type and site, number of subjects, type of stimuli (old /new), frame rate, control conditions, location of fixation target, type of analysis performed (whole brain or ROI, fixed or random effects) and statistical threshold, the voxels on which profiles are calculated and the reference condition for profiles (fixation of average of all conditions).