1 |
Sum of range of linear acceleration |
2 |
Sum of standard deviation of linear acceleration |
3 |
Simple moving average of sum of range of linear acceleration |
4 |
Difference to y (y
gravity) |
5, 6, 7 |
Range of gravity vector (x, y, z) |
8,9,10 |
Mean of gravity vector (x, y, z) |
11,12,13 |
Range of linear acceleration (x, y, z) |
14,15,16 |
Mean of linear acceleration (x, y, z) |
17,18,19 |
Kurtosis of gravity vector (x, y, z) |
20 |
Sum of Kurtosis of gravity vector |
21 |
Sum of standard deviation of linear acceleration |
22 |
Sum of variances gravity (summed diagonal of covariance matrix) |
23 |
Simple moving average of sum of variances |
24 |
Maximum slope of simple moving average of sum of variances |
25–30 |
Covariance matrix elements of gravity vector |
31–36 |
Covariance matrix elements of linear acceleration vector |
37–42 |
Covariance matrix elements of rotated linear acceleration vector [25] |
43 |
Velocity from integral of rotated linear acceleration1 (excluding y-axis) |
44 |
Velocity for y-axis |
45,46,47 |
Mean Euclidean norm (Linear, rotated linear1, raw acceleration) |
48,49,50 |
Skewness of rotated linear acceleration (x, y, z)1
51,52,53 |
Moving average of skewness of rotated linear acceleration (x, y, z)1
54 |
Sum of moving average of skewness (x, y) |
55 |
Range of rotated linear acceleration (x) |
56 |
Moving average of distance from rotated linear acceleration1
57,58,59 |
Mean absolute linear acceleration (x, y, z) |
60,61,62 |
Harmonic mean linear acceleration (x, y, z) |
63,64,65 |
Cumulative sum linear acceleration (x, y, z) |
66 |
Correlation between acceleration along gravity and heading |
67 |
Average velocity in gravity direction |
68 |
Average velocity in heading direction |
69,70,71 |
Gyroscope mean (x, y, z) |
72,73,74 |
Interquartile range linear acceleration (x, y, z) |
75 |
Zero cross rate |
76 |
Mean cross rate |