S. aureus bioparticles were opsonized and injected subcutaneously near the iLN. Neutrophil recruitment to the blood and lymphoid organs was analyzed by flow cytometry in C57BL/6 mice, or imaged using epifluorescent stereomicroscope or TP-LSM in LysM-GFP mice with adoptively transferred lymphocytes. (A) Kinetics of neutrophil recruitment to the blood (left panel) and to the iLN (right panel) between 0 and 24 h after immunization. N = 3 mice/6 iLNs; 3 independent experiments. Means ± SEM. (B) Fluorescent (main image) and bright field (lower right corner) images of immunized and PBS control LysM-GFP LNs are shown at 12 h after injection. Neutrophils: LysM-GFP, green. Image labeling: SCS (white dashed line), TZ (T), IFZ (IF, white arrows), LN follicles (B, dotted lines). Data is representative of 3 mice (6 iLNs) per group. (C) TP-LSM images of neutrophils (LysM-GFP, green) exiting blood vessels in the LN stroma (left panel, blue arrowheads) and accumulating in the SCS (right panel, blue arrowheads) between 2 h (left) and 4 h (right) after S. aureus (red arrowheads) injection are shown (S3 Movie, Mobilization). ILN border, white dashed line; HEVs, EB, gray. Scale bars: 50 μm. (D) Neutrophils phagocytizing S. aureus in the SCS (left panel, blue arrowheads) and swarming in the IFZ (right panel, white squares) between 3 and 4 h after S. aureus inoculation are shown (S3 Movie, Swarming). Scale bars: 25 μm (right), 20 μm (left). Data is representative of 12 imaging sessions. (E, F) DsRed B cells or CD4+ T cells were adoptively transferred 24 h prior to imaging. Neutrophil (green) interactions with (E) B cells (red) or (F) CD4+ T cells (red) at the T-B border (dashed line) at 12 h after S. aureus injection are shown. Blood vessels, EB (gray); collagen, second harmonic (blue). Scale bars: (C) 50 μm; (D, left) 50 μm; (D, right) 20 μm, (E, left) 50 μm; (E, right) 20 μm; (F, left) 70 μm; (F, right) 20 μm. (G) The percentages of short and long-lasting interactions formed by neutrophils with B cells (upper chart) and by neutrophils with CD4+ T cells (lower chart). Data is representative of 3 independent computations. (H) Analysis of S. aureus uptake by Ly6G+ and CD169+ populations in the iLN of isotype control or 1A8-injected mice between 0 and 48 h after immunization. N = 4 iLNs; 3 repeats. Means ± SEM.