A, 2D Growth assays revealed that VEGF-A KD (sh1) inhibited WM1617 and C8161, but not A2058 melanoma cell growth in vitro. *, P<0.05. B, No change in colony formation was observed following VEGF-A KD (sh1) in WM1617, C8161 or A2058 melanoma cells. Data shown represent average percentage clonogenicity from three different experiments. Magnification, 100×. Scale bar: 500 µm. C, No change in vasculogenic mimicry as determined by tubule formation on matrigel per field was observed in WM1617, C8161 or A2058 VEGF-A KD (sh1) cells compared to controls in vitro. Magnification, 40×. Scale bar: 1 µm.