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. 2015 Apr 17;10(4):e0123606. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123606

Table 1. Normative and evidential building blocks: the link between definitions of disrespect and abuse, and the list of actions and behaviours used in measurement.

Normative Building block Definition Category of D&A a Evidentiary Building Block: Examples of actions or behaviors that are reported Questions asked
Human rights law Right to health, freedom from abusive behavior and entitlement to facility conditions that are, accessible, affordable, acceptable and of good quality (AAAQ). Physical abuse Pinching/slapping/pushing/beating/ poking
Rape/ sexual harassment.
At any point during your stay for this delivery were you physically abused by any of the healthcare workers? For example physical abuse might include being hit or slapped.
Detention Detained when a woman is unable to pay for services. At any point during your stay for this delivery were you or your baby prevented from leaving this facility because you could not pay?
Non confidential HIV status shown to others; health information discussed with non-health staff; uncovered during delivery or examination; no screens blocking view during delivery or examination; discussed her issues when other clients were listening At any point during your stay for this delivery were you treated in a way that violated your privacy? At any point during your stay for this delivery were you treated in a way that violated your confidentiality?
Domestic law Malpractice or criminal wrongs such as assault. Corruption Request for a bribe for services. At any point during this delivery in this facility did you feel/ perceive or were you asked by anyone for money other than the official cost of service to access services or any favors.
Ethical codes Standards of conduct for members of medical /nursing professions and national standards of care developed by the MOH. Non consented care No permission obtained before examination for medical procedures such as tubal ligation, hysterectomy. At any point during your stay for this delivery was any treatment done to you without your permission?
Abandonment /neglect Ignored when sought help for pain relief or left unattended by heath workers when they needed help. At any point during your stay for this delivery were you left un attended by health providers when you needed care?
Local consensus Specific set of behaviors or conditions that patients, families, providers, agree constitute inexcusable D&A. Non dignified care Use of non-dignified language such as shouting and scolding; Threats of withholding services /threatened with going to theatre, called insulting names, laughed or scorned at At any point during your stay for this delivery did any healthcare provider talk to you or use a tone or facial expression that made you feel uncomfortable?

Note: Normative building blocks comprise codes of behavior or infrastructural standards, and departure from these standards could be considered violations constituting D&A. The normative block has four key dimensions: human rights law, domestic law, ethical codes and local consensus on behaviors The evidentiary building block, meanwhile, refers to events or conditions considered as D&A, regardless of patient experience or provider intention, classified into three dimensions: 1) subjective experiences whereby women experience D&A even if it does not result from actions observed; 2) objective events or conditions that are observable actions experienced or intended as such;; and 3) intentionality, whereby a woman does not interpret an action as D&A, but the provider actually intends it as disrespectful or abusive.