Table 2.
Brain network connectivity associated with different aspects of performance on SVF test.
Covariate | Cluster # | T-Score | # Voxels | MNI (x,y,z) | ICN | Region | Detrimental Association* |
SVF-Pos1 | 1 | 3.98 | 123 | (−57,−27,0) | Language | L. Middle Temporal | Loss of positive connectivity |
2 | 3.91 | 202 | (−24,15,−12) | Deep Gray | L. Putamen | ||
3 | 3.31 | 117 | (21,−42,6) | vDMN4 | R. Precuneus | ||
SVF-Neg | 1 | −3.64 | 212 | (−27,51,33) | adDMN5 | L. Middle Frontal | Gain of positive connectivity |
MCS-Pos2 | 1 | 4.2 | 211 | (−51,−57,18) | Language | L. Middle Temporal | Loss of positive connectivity |
MCS-Neg | 1 | −4.08 | 125 | (21,−57,54) | SPL6 | SPL | Loss of negative connectivity |
2 | −3.63 | 238 | (−48,−63,−12) | Ventral Stream | L. Inf. Occipital | ||
CuRel-Pos3 | 1 | 3.59 | 303 | (15,−54,75) | vDMN | R. Precuneus | Loss of negative connectivity |
CuRel-Neg | 1 | −3.88 | 157 | (−45,−63,45) | Working Memory | L. Angular Gyrus | Loss of positive connectivity |
2 | −3.31 | 206 | (−42,39,0) | Language | L. IFG p.Triangularis |
SVF – semantic verbal fluency score (manual)
MCS – mean cluster size
CuRel - cumulative relatedness (automated)
vDMN-ventral default mode network
adDMN- anterior dorsal default mode network
SPL-superior parietal lobule