Figure 3. Tempol induces place preference in a visceral pain model.
The conditioned place preference (CPP) test was performed in sham control rats (n = 7; A) and in rats with intracolonic zymosan (n = 6; B). Bar histograms show the ratio of time spent in each of two chambers of the place preference apparatus (mean ± SE expressed as %). There was no preference for one of the chambers before the pairing (pre-CPP). After stereotaxic application of ACSF (vehicle) into the CeA paired with one chamber for 30 min followed by stereotaxic application of tempol (100 mM, concentration in microdialysis probe, 15 min) paired with the opposite chamber for 30 min 4 h later, zymosan-injected animals (“colitis”) preferred the chamber that was paired with tempol (B) whereas sham control rats did not show a preference (A). *** P < 0.001, time in tempol-paired chamber compared to vehicle-paired chamber, Bonferroni posttest.