Encoding of perceptual updates. a, Neural encoding of PUk in lateral occipital EEG signals, expressed as parameter estimate in z-units. Top, Encoding time courses at contralateral occipital electrodes for target (green) and distractor (red) streams in the focused attention condition, and neutral (blue) streams in the divided attention condition. Bottom, Encoding time courses at ipsilateral occipital electrodes for the same streams. Shaded error bars indicate SEM. b, Differences in encoding strength among target (T), neutral (N), and distractor (D) streams at the first peak of ∼120 ms. Top, Contralateral occipital electrodes. Bottom, Ipsilateral occipital electrodes. *p < 0.05. c, Encoding scalp topographies at 120 ms following sample k in the focused (left) and divided (right) attention conditions. LVF, Left visual field; RVF, right visual field. Topographies were flipped across the midline in the focused attention condition such that the target stream appears in the left visual field, and the distractor stream appears in the right visual field. Thick dots indicate the lateral occipital electrodes of interest.