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. 2015 Mar 18;28(2):337–418. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00117-14


Methodological considerations for detection and characterization of drug efflux pumps

Method Consideration(s) References
    Antimicrobial susceptibility testing ± EPI Can be a routine assay 60, 346, 550, 553, 630, 989
Used for development of novel antibacterials
Requires appropriate EPI and needs to rule out nonefflux inhibitory effects of the EPI
Unable to provide identity of the pumps
Genetic and molecular
    PCR Readily carried out and widely used 528, 1022, 1023
Can largely screen the distribution of efflux genes
Multiplex PCR can be used for identifying multiple resistance determinants
Requires sequences of the pump genes
    RT-PCR Readily carried out (qualitative and quantitative) and widely used 199, 200, 380, 381, 383, 385, 413, 417, 420422, 451, 502, 531, 572, 573, 628, 668, 10241027
Can link gene expression with resistance phenotype (without or with an EPI)
Can assess the impact of factors (e.g., induction) on pump expression
Requires purification of RNA and that there is no DNA contamination
Requires sequences of the pump genes
Requires appropriate controls (e.g., a housekeeping gene) for comparison
    Cloning and expression in native and/or exogenous host and mutational analysis of efflux components Can be used for determining the function and substrate specificity (including identification of important residues of pump components) 82, 306, 489, 560, 623
Drug efflux pump-deficient hypersusceptible E. coli can often be used as a host
Requires appropriate expression vector and host
Overexpression of a pump may be toxic to the host
    Genetic inactivation Can be used to assess the role of a specific pump in intrinsic and acquired resistance when combined with susceptibility testing 10, 13, 27, 28, 30, 164, 560, 574, 623
Can be used to assess the role of pumps beyond drug resistance (e.g., biofilm formation, stress response, fitness, and virulence)
Can be used to study pump regulation
Requires appropriate methods to construct mutants
    Genomic/proteomic analysis including a microarray assay Used to determine the distribution of various classes of pumps, including putative drug pumps and other resistance determinants 496, 500, 534, 570, 615
Microarray assay may compare a large no. of efflux pump genes and nonefflux genes
May not reveal a function and needs experimental approaches for confirmation
Requires certain instrument facilities
    Cell-based drug accumulation or uptake assay Can be readily carried out 9, 1113, 6063, 465, 563
Can be developed for high-throughput screening methods for searching for novel antimicrobials and EPIs
May be used to measure steady-state drug levels
May be used for transport kinetic studies
Requires the substrates to be traceable, such as radiolabeled or fluorescent substrates
An ionophore proton conductor, CCCP, has often been used
    Membrane vesicles Can be used to demonstrate the efflux process 133, 1028
Require delicate experimental conditions (e.g., French cell press and radiolabeled substrates)
Not widely used and mostly demonstrated in E. coli with certain pumps
    Liposome reconstitution transport Can be used to demonstrate the efflux process 23, 57, 142, 1028
Requires expression and purification of efflux protein components
    Immunoblot assay Confirms the presence of pumps 483, 628, 1027
Quantifies pump expression
Used to study pump component interactions
Requires pump component-specific antibodies
    Structural studies Determines molecular and biochemical basis of efflux pumps and drug-pump interactions 6668, 70, 74, 75, 91, 93, 114, 166
Used to search for novel antimicrobials and EPIs
Requires delicate biochemical experimental conditions for studying crystal structures
Computer simulations can also be used