Figure 3. 24F4A mediates BDCA2 internalization and type I IFN inhibition in vivo.
Cynomolgus monkeys were administered 24F4A (10 or 1 mg/kg) or vehicle (n = 3 for each dose group) intravenously. Cynomolgus monkeys were bled at various time points, and flow cytometry was used to measure BDCA2 expression and receptor occupancy. PDCs were defined as CD20−, CD14−, CD123+, and HLADR+.
- A–C Prior to in vivo dosing, baseline surface levels of BDCA2 for both the vehicle (Ai) and 1 mg/kg (Bi) animals (red, dotted line) were established by staining with fluorescently labeled 24F4A (direct method). Maximal binding of 24F4A to BDCA2 was also established pre-dose in the vehicle (Aii) and 1 mg/kg (Bii) animals (red, solid line) by treating whole blood with 10 μg/ml of 24F4A at 4°C and then detecting bound 24F4A with a fluorescently labeled anti-human IgG1 (indirect method). The direct method was used to stain whole blood from both the vehicle (Aiii) and 1 mg/kg 24F4A (Biii) animals 6 h post-dose (red, dotted line). In a separate stain, the indirect method was used to detect bound 24F4A in the vehicle (Aiv) and 1 mg/kg (Biv) treated animals (black, solid line). (C) Percent BDCA2 internalization relative to pre-dose BDCA2 levels 6 h post-dose with vehicle, 10 mg/kg, or 1 mg/kg 24F4A. Graph shows mean ± standard deviation for each group (n = 3).
- D PK/PD relationship between 24F4A serum concentrations (red triangle, left axis) and BDCA2 expression on pDCs (black squares, right axis, normalized to pre-dose levels) from the 1 mg/kg group (i–iii). Serum 24F4A was measured by ELISA. (iv) Percent BDCA2 internalization versus serum concentration of 24F4A for all dosed cynomolgus monkeys at all time points tested.
- E Whole blood from vehicle- or 1 mg/kg 24F4A-treated monkeys was stimulated with CpG-A, and induction of IFN-I was measured by MxA bioassay at various time points pre- and post-treatment. Horizontal black lines represent the model-based estimates of the geometric mean of IFN-I in pre- and post-dose samples. Duplicate symbols represent independent replicates of the MxA bioassay for that time point. Statistical analysis was performed using a two-way mixed-effects analysis of variance (ANOVA).