Figure 2. Replication and transmission of A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9) influenza virus in ferrets.
(a–c) Nasal wash virus titres in animals during round 1 experiment. Coloured bars represent individual ferrets within each group. (d) Viral titres in the tissues collected from H7N9-infected ferrets on the indicated days post inoculation. The numbers of tissue samples with virus titres higher than the limit of detection (1.5 log10TCID50 per gram, n=3) are indicated above each bar (e,f). Nasal wash titres in round 2 experiment in which the donors were inoculated with virus previously transmitted by airborne contact. Coloured bars represent individual ferrets within each group. NT, nasal turbinates; T, trachea; lung lobes: CrL, cranial left; CaL, caudal left; CrR, cranial right; MR, middle right; CaR, caudal right; B, brain; Bld, blood; S, spleen; LI, large intestine.