Figure 3. Role of Kal-7 signalling in dendritic spine remodelling in spinal dorsal horn neurons.
(a) Typical examples of activity-dependent increase in dendritic spines following peripheral paw inflammation in control mice, but not in mice with spinal deletion of Kal-7 (overview scale bar, 50 μm, inset scale bar, 10 μm). (b) Quantification of spine density in Kal-7 knockout and control group under naive or CFA-treated condition in vivo (16–20 neurons were analysed from three animals each per treatment group). (c,d) Typical examples (c) and quantitative summary (d) of dendritic spines on specific deletion of Kal-7 in excitatory spinal cord neurons in culture via treatment with AAV-CKII-EGFP and AAV-Synapsin-Cre; double-positive neurons (merge) showed a lesser density of spines than Cre-negative neurons (scale bar, 50 μm in upper and 10 μm in lower panels); lower right, typical examples of different types of dendritic spines (scale bar, 1 μm). *P<0.05 as compared with control group; two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test. Error bars represent s.e.m.