AHL production in R. etli CFN42. (A) Genomic location and organization of R. etli QS systems. p42f and p42a are two plasmids in R. etli CFN42. (B) TLC analysis. Cell-free supernatants of R. etli wild-type and ΔcinI ΔraiI ΔtraI mutant strains harboring either the vector control, Ptac-raiI (RaiI), Ptac-traI (TraI), or Ptac-cinI (CinI) plasmid were subjected to TLC analysis. Each equivalent of 1 ml of culture extract was loaded on a C18 reverse-phase TLC plate, followed by an overlay of agar medium seeded with AHL bioassay strains (16). An extract from A. tumefaciens R10(pCF218) was used as the standard, and the migration positions of 3-oxo-C8, 3-oxo-C6, and C8-HSL, as indicated, were based on a previously published TLC analysis (16, 38). WT, wild type.