Figure 4. Labeled hNSCs had no effect on gender or lesion volumes in moderate HII.
A) There were no significant differences between hNSC volumes extracted from MR images neither between males (●) or females (□) nor between time points (1, 30, 90d; p= 0.099). However, a highly significant difference in hNSC volumes was found at 30d (* p= 0.00005) compared to 1 or 90d post HII. B) We also observed a significant difference in hNSC volumes between the implanted side (left, ●) and the hNSC volumes observed on MRI on the injury side (right; □, *p=0.0006), but no differences were seen between males and females (p=0.172). C) At 30d post HII, male and female correlation plots of hNSC compared to HII lesion volumes did not reveal any significant interactions (males: □, R2=0.41, females: ●, R2=0.44). These results further confirmed that iron-labeling of hNSC was not influenced by gender resulting in similar lesion volumes in each group over time. However, when male and female cohorts were combined, a significant correlation (dotted line, R=0.585, p=0.046) was found demonstrating that increased hNSC volumes were associated with smaller HII lesion volumes, irrespective of gender.