Table 2.
Sub-questions forming the online survey following adaptation of the telephone interview guide
No. | Question a |
5a | The Nigeria HIV-prevention programme considers HIV-negative partners in serodiscordant relationships a high-risk group for HIV infection. One of the many studies on PrEP showed a 75% reduction in the HIV incidence when a HIV-negative partner used PrEP. Would you consider serodiscordant couples a priority target group for the PrEP demonstration project in Nigeria? |
5b | Please give the reason(s) for your response to question 5a. |
5c | The Nigeria HIV-prevention programme considers men who have sex with other men (MSM) a high-risk group for HIV infection. One of the many studies on PrEP showed a 44% reduction in the HIV incidence when a HIV-negative MSM partner used PrEP. Would you consider MSM a priority target group for the PrEP demonstration project in Nigeria? |
5d | Please give the reason(s) for your response to question 5c. |
5e | The Nigeria HIV-prevention programme considers male and female sex workers a high-risk group for HIV infection. No studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of PrEP in preventing HIV infection in this specific population. Would you consider male and female sex workers a priority target group for the PrEP demonstration project in Nigeria? |
5f | Please give the reason(s) for your response to question 5e. |
5 g | The Nigeria HIV-prevention programme considers people who inject drugs (PWID) a high-risk group for HIV infection. One of the many studies on PrEP showed a 49% reduction in the HIV incidence when a HIV-negative PWID used PrEP. Would you consider PWID a priority target group for the PrEP demonstration project in Nigeria? |
5 h | Please the give reason(s) for your response to question 5 g. |
5i | The Nigeria HIV-prevention programme considers young women age 21 to 24 a high risk group for HIV infection. One of the many studies on PrEP showed a 62% reduction in the HIV incidence in heterosexual couples. The study did not specifically focus on young women. However, it showed that women can equally benefit from PrEP. Would you consider young women a priority target group for the PrEP demonstration project in Nigeria? |
5j | Please give the reason(s) for your response to question 5i. |
5 k | If at the end of the extensive community consultation process there is consensus that PrEP should be implemented in Nigeria, which of the target populations that you have identified could benefit from PrEP do you think the country should focus on during the pilot project? |
5 l | Please give the reason(s) for your response to question 5 k. |
aQuestions in the online survey were designed based on the responses to question #5 in the initial telephone interview.
No., number; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis; MSM, men who have sex with men; PWID, people who inject drugs.