Figure 1.
SOA Design and Tasks. (A) In these SOA variants of the Stroop and Reverse Stroop tasks, color-word stimuli were presented with five levels of relative onset timing. As depicted schematically, the target stimulus component (aligned here at 0 ms), could be preceded by, presented simultaneously with, or followed by the irrelevant stimulus component. Here each of the temporal separations (−200, −100, 0, +100, and +200ms) are shown on a separate row indicating the relative timing onsets between the target and distracter elements. Once both stimulus components were presented, they remained on the screen for an additional 1000 ms for all conditions. In the Stroop task (top) the participants’ task was to report the physical color of the stimulus while ignoring the meaning of the written word. In the Reverse Stroop task (bottom) the participants were to report the written word, while ignoring the physical color. (B) Schematic illustration showing the three Tasks. These were comprised of two possible ‘Attentional Goals’ (color or word identification) and two relative ‘Incongruency Proportions’ (50/50% or 80/20%, Congruent/Incongruent).