Fig 6. NGF modulates Bax and Bcl2 expression in photoreceptors.
Photoreceptors were isolated from p10 retinal cells that were cultured alone (untreated) or stimulated with NGF or neutralized with ANA or ANA/NGF for 6 consecutive days. The histograms show respectively Bax and Bcl2 protein (A-B) and target gene (C-D) expression in photoreceptors isolated from cultures exposed to NGF (50ng/mL), ANA (500ng/mL) and ANA(500ng/mL)/NGF(50ng/mL). Note the increased Bax and decreased Bcl2 expression upon NGF exposure. Similar effects were not observed upon neutralizations (ANA, ANA/NGF). Relative protein levels are expressed as ratio to that of GAPDH. The target gene expression was calculated according to the Rest analysis and expressed as 2log fold-changes with respect to control. *p<0.05