Table 1.
VCA means a body part: |
1. That is vascularized and requires blood flow by surgical connection of blood vessels to function after transplantation |
2. Containing multiple tissue types |
3. Recovered from a human donor as an anatomical/structural unit |
4. Transplanted into a human recipient as an anatomical/structural unit |
5. Minimally manipulated (i.e., processing that does not alter the original relevant characteristics of the organ relating to the organ’s utility for reconstruction, repair, or replacement) |
6. For homologous use (the replacement or supplementation of a recipient’s organ with an organ that performs the same basic function or functions in the recipient as in the donor) |
7. Not combined with another article such as a device |
8. Susceptible to ischemia and, therefore, only stored temporarily and not cryopreserved |
9. Susceptible to allograft rejection, generally requiring immunosuppression that may increase infectious disease risk to the recipienta |
Adapted from [13].
a In exceptional cases (identical twins or sharing of highly concordant histocompatibility matching markers), the recipient might not require any immunosuppression.