Figure 2. Targeted Sub-Analyses, (A) Between-Group and (B) Within-Group.
The left section (A) slices shows areas of consistent activation in the between-group (PDS vs. Controls) meta-analysis. PDS are shown in red, controls in blue. The laterality plot shows right-lateralized speech production in PDS compared to controls (cf. Supplementary Table 3 for xyz coordinates and anatomical labels). All activations are overlaid on MNI152 atlas; slice numbers reference MNI152 space. The right section (B) slices show areas of consistent activation during dysfluent (red) and fluent (blue) speech in the within-group meta-analysis (cf. Supplementary Table 4 for xyz locations and anatomical labels). Areas that retained significance in the contrast analysis are shown for PDS (orange) and controls (aqua). The laterality plot shows the contrast analysis, with frontal and cerebellar activations during dysfluency (red), and temporo-parietal activations during fluency (blue). Note: contrast analysis results (i.e. orange and aqua) are not shown on laterality plot. All activations are overlaid on MNI152 atlas; slice numbers reference MNI152 space. Abbreviations: Sup=superior; RFO=right frontal operculum; Mid=middle.