FIG 1.
PATZ1 controls proliferation and inhibits cellular doubling time. (A) PATZ1-regulated biological processes in MEFs. Shown are biological process GO terms enriched in our WT versus Patz1 KO DEG data set, with P values calculated by DAVID (45). Eight DEGs involved in cell proliferation are listed. The overlap of 187 PATZ1-regulated DEGs with well-characterized basal (1,269) and doxorubicin-regulated (1,323) p53 target genes reported previously by Kenzelmann Broz et al. is shown as a Venn diagram on the right (8). (B) PATZ1 expression is positively correlated with cell growth rate. (C) PATZ1 overexpression accelerates the growth of HCT116 cells. (D) PATZ1 cannot increase the growth rate of HCT116 cells in the absence of p53. Growth curves of Patz1−/− and wild-type MEFs (B), HCT116 cells (C), and HCT116 p53−/− cells (D) were visualized on an xCELLigence RTCA DP system.